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Showing posts from May, 2023

A Perspective on the Climate-Fashion Relationship

  Quality clothing has never been more accessible than today, and yet, most people will still prefer to buy large quantities of cheap, low quality, unsustainable pieces for their wardrobes. Shein is a relatively recent development in the game of fashion that already sells more than Inditex (Zara’s and H&M’s parent company). Shein isn’t any other fast fashion retailer, they are actually a tech company. Founded by Chris Xu, an SEO expert, Shein first sold cheap Chinese wedding dresses under the name SheInside, and inadvertently created a global brand. Shein original business model worked by adding as many designs as possible to their market, and then buying them wholesale after orders piled up. In recent years, Shein’s growth allowed for a few changes in its business model. Traditionally, designers try to guess which of their designs will be most liked by customers before sending them to stores. What sets Shein apart however is the fact that they still add hundreds of new designs eve

The COP26 Truthful Billboard Project: Australian Elections Edition

  The 26th UN Climate Change Conference was held in Glasgow between the 31st of October and 12 November 2021. It is considered to be one of the most significant climate conferences since the signing of the Paris Agreement. Still, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison didn’t seem to give it much importance with his attendance being confirmed only two weeks before the summit and only after intense pressures made by the US. If we are to analyze the efforts made by the Morrison government regarding the climate change crisis, it all comes down to the fact that they aren’t even doing the bare minimum to address this issue. While 9 in 10 Australians are in favour of taking action against the climate crisis, the government will continue the mining, importing and use of fossil fuels well after 2030. Morrison has even declared that the economy comes before the well-being of the planet. Rightfully disappointed by Morrison and his government, comedian Dan Ilic has decided to use “the same means

Permafrost, oh, permafrost

  Every year, most often on Earth Day, we hear about how the permafrost is melting or rather   thawing   and how that is very bad. But in what ways and how bad is this whole process really? Permafrost is soil that remains at temperatures below or at freezing point (0°C/32°F) for at least two years at once. It is mainly found around the Arctic, covering roughly 25% (23 million km²) of the land area in the Northern Hemisphere alone and reaching depths of more than 1500 meters. Most of it formed during glacial periods, millions of years ago, and has persisted through warmer, interglacial periods. As such, the permafrost is of huge importance to the whole geological landscape. Though it remains frozen all year through, during warmer months, when the temperature rises to over 3°C, the surface layer of the permafrost thaws, this way enabling the soil to incorporate plants and animal bodies. Once the temperatures fall back under 0°C, these can be preserved for thousands of years, along with t

Honey made without bees

  Honey, we got no bees no mo’! Recently, a new type of honey was developed that is pretty much identical to the real deal but with one major advantage: it uses no bees. This is no reduced apple sauce or jelly. The company Bee-io combines nectar with a special type of protein developed through biochemical means to obtain the glorious liquid gold we all know and love. This technology is important for the decoupling of honey production from bees since they are often abused in the honey industry. We must do all that we can to save and protect bees by systematically changing how they are being treated as extremely productive and essential individuals of our food system. Without them, more than a third of all fruits, vegetables and pulses would be gone. Until these matters are addressed, you can rest assured that your personal consumption isn’t aiding this faulty system. If anything, Bee-io’s ways send a message that we are serious about the health and well-being of bees. Some of the ways t